ComboBox not loading data

this is in my customer-details-view, I am not sure on why the combo box is not loading any data when i click the bar. It should dropdown the data . Is there anything i am doing wrong?

if you are working with JMix 2.x you need to load the data yourself.

Perhaps you can supply more details



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Thanks for the answer, I have tried out using EntityComboBox and it works but do you know how to change the file location instead of the default details view for Entity Picker? It tries to find the default page but i already created a view for the detail view called Customer Browse. Any idea on how I can change the default view route?

I saw that you got already the solution NoSuchViewException: View 'Customer.list' is not defined - #3 by shoongcheng.choi, great !

Yup , Thanks for the answer. really appriciate it!!!