Jmix 1.4 release candidate


Sure. The process of registering any UI component is the same as for the classic UI. You need to provide a io.jmix.flowui.sys.registration.ComponentRegistration bean, e.g.:

  public class ComponentConfiguration {
      public ComponentRegistration extJmixButton() {
          return ComponentRegistrationBuilder.create(MyUpload.class)
                  .withComponentLoader("myupload", MyUploadLoader.class)

XSD schema doesn’t require registration.

Currently, there is no extend attribute in XML descriptor, so if any view needs to be extended, then you need to override it by providing a view with the same Id.



The ResponsiveStep's minWidth attribute works absolutely the same in XML and Java code as we simply pass minWidth value from XML to the ResponsiveStep constructor without modifications. For proper work of minWidth the size unit must be defined, except 0. We do not plan to alter XML loader logic (e.g. adding default unit size) because it must be the same as Java code.

A newly created project already contains extended theme under <root>/frontend/themes/<theme_name> directory. That means that any output from Vaadin Lumo Editor can be easily applied to the Jmix Application, just copy generated code to the style.css file, excluding HTML tags, e.g.:

Screenshot 2022-10-28 at 18.16.01


Could you please describe in more detail? I still don’t get the problem.

We do not plan adding default alignment. if it is needed the alignment can be easily changed using:

  • themeNames="align-right" for input fields
  • textAlign="END" for DataGrid columns

Thank you Gleb.
I tried to use Vaadin lumo editor generated styling codes as follows


/* Define your styles here */

    html {
      --lumo-space-xl: 1.875rem;
      --lumo-space-l: 1.25rem;
      --lumo-space-m: 0.625rem;
      --lumo-space-s: 0.3125rem;
      --lumo-space-xs: 0.1875rem;

    [theme~="dark"] {


and getting the following errors-

Webpack Error Close

No issues were found.

WARNING in InjectManifest has been called multiple times, perhaps due to running webpack in --watch mode. The precache manifest generated after the first call may be inaccurate! Please see for more information.

ERROR in ./themes/inteaccpf/inteaccpf.css (../node_modules/.pnpm/css-loader@5.2.7_webpack@4.46.0/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-2!../build/plugins/theme-loader/theme-loader.js??ref--5-3!./themes/inteaccpf/inteaccpf.css)
Module build failed (from ../node_modules/.pnpm/css-loader@5.2.7_webpack@4.46.0/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js):

(16:3) /Users/mak/Projects/inteaccpf/frontend/themes/inteaccpf/inteaccpf.css Unknown word

  14 |     }
  15 | 
> 16 |   
     |   ^
  17 | 
  18 |

As I mentioned above, you have to exclude HTML tags from generated code, i.e.




are not CSS code and must be removed.

Thank you Gleb, removed the tag and now it’s running. I see the radius has been changed as expected but the dark theme is not working, always showing the light theme.

html {
  --lumo-border-radius: 0.6em;
  --lumo-space-xl: 1.875rem;
  --lumo-space-l: 1.25rem;
  --lumo-space-m: 0.625rem;
  --lumo-space-s: 0.3125rem;
  --lumo-space-xs: 0.1875rem;

[theme~="dark"] {
  --lumo-base-color: hsl(214, 87%, 12%);

Output of theme (not a dark theme!)

Thank you for your answer @gorelov , I’m not sure I understand this point though. Could you please elaborate a bit on this please? How would I deal now with a situatino where I have e.g. an AbstractInvoiceEditView and then two views that extend from this abstract view - e.g. OutoingInvoiceEditView and OfferEditView.

This issue has been targeted to 1.4 which is released yesterday but I don’t see this is working!

For Studio issues, assigning Milestone 1.4 when the feature release 1.4.0 is already out means that the issue is targeted to one of 1.4.x patches.

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In order to switch to the dark theme variant, you need to set it in the main application class using the @Theme annotation, e.g.:

@Theme(value = "<theme_name>", variant = Lumo.DARK)

Vaadin doesn’t provide runtime variant switching.


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Sorry, I didn’t get your question right. A view can extend any base class on your choice, the only limitation is that io.jmix.flowui.view.View must be in the inheritance hierarchy.


Hi Gleb
Thanks. It worked.

@Theme(value = "inteaccpf", variant = Lumo.DARK)
@PWA(name = "Inteaccpf", shortName = "Inteaccpf")
public class InteaccpfApplication implements AppShellConfigurator {

    private Environment environment;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Hi Konstantin
Tried and looks good

A couple of questions:

  1. How can we handle if it is an image (byte[])
  2. How can we display the file/image on a screen?

The second part of my exchange is:

Hi Konstantin
Thanks for clarifying, we may lose that functionality in Flow to control the cursor. But I hope we’ll not loose many. How can you please help how we use the inline editor in datagrid?

I see in Vaadin grid we can perform it easily as described here and the non-buffered datagrid looks like as follows:

I tried the code-snipped in Vaadin site but it looks like some functions are not recognized in Jmix.

        Grid.Column<BankCashEntryLine> descriptionColumn = bankCashEntryLineTable.getColumnByKey("description");
        Binder<BankCashEntryLine> binder = new Binder<>(BankCashEntryLine.class);
        Editor<BankCashEntryLine> editor = bankCashEntryLineTable.getEditor();

        TextField description = new TextField();
        addCloseHandler(description, editor);
                .asRequired("Description must not be empty")
                .bind(BankCashEntryLine::getDescription, BankCashEntryLine::setDescription);

        bankCashEntryLineTable.addItemDoubleClickListener(e -> {
            Component editorComponent = e.getColumn().getEditorComponent();
            if (editorComponent instanceof Focusable) {
                ((Focusable<Component>) editorComponent).focus();


The following lines are not recognized in the code above:

addCloseHandler(description, editor);
            Component editorComponent = e.getColumn().getEditorComponent();

Can you please help?

By default, in the Vaadin’ doc the code snippets are collapsed and display only a Sample related code, hence if you just copy-paste code, it might not work. To see the full sample code you need to expand it

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 11.22.26

In the full code snippet, you can find the missing method

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 11.22.41


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The Upload SucceededEvent contains the MIME Type of the file, which can be used to recognize file type.

Is there a “label” component? I cannot find it.

No, instead you can use one of HTML components like span, p, div, headers, e.g.: <span text="Some text content"/>


Thank you Gleb. That’s a nice tips seeing the full-code. Honestly, I didn’t notice until you mentioned.

I have tried but still have something missing in Jmix environment and didn’t appear the Edit column added as well as edit mode of the columns.

I have attached a demo project, it will be appreciated if you please help fixing where is the problem. This will be a very useful in many projects and Views for many developers for sure. BTW, any plan to simplify?

To use, go to CustomerContact Details view and create contact lines and try to edit the lines. (232.9 KB)

@m.fedoseev I see you’re assigned to this issue. Any plan by when this is going to be available?

Thanks for reply!
Regarding layouts, are hbox and vbox enough?