Learning Jmix through real-world app video series: Rent-your-Stuff

Issue #17 - Display Currency for Product Prices - Part 2

After introducing the Money entity, we need to fix the product tests

  • use Money wrapper class instead of BigDecimal directly
  • extend FormInteractions to enter a value to a currency field
  • add @Valid & @NotNull annotation to the price attribute for proper bean validation

Issue #18 - organise Products in Categories - Part 1

Let’s enhance our Product management a little with Categories

  • create ProductCategory entity & association from Product entity
  • create management UI for Product Categories
  • display all categories directly in the product editor by changing the entityPicker to entityComboBox and add an optionsContainer
  • create tests for validation & storage of product & product categories

Issue #19 - Organise products in categories - Part 2

Ensure a category can be selected during product creation:

  • create UI test for selecting category during product creation
  • ensure product category data is correctly loaded during product form

Issue #20 - Register product stock items - Part 1

We will enhance our domain model and allow users to register stock items for products.

  • create stock item entity
  • create a product - stock item association
  • add stock item UI to the product detail screen
  • reorganize product edit screen with the help of Tabs

Issue #21 - Register product stock items - Part 2 - Tests

Ensure Stock Items can be created during Product creation.

  • refactor ProductEditTest to JUnit 5 nested classes
  • create stock item creation test case during product creation
  • encounter problem with failing *BrowseTest

Issue #22 - Remove flakiness from UI integration tests

After finding out about the problem with the UI integration tests in video #21, lets dig deeper into the problem and resolve the root cause of the flaky tests

  • see tests running in isolation, but not in the whole suite
  • debug tests to find problem of incorrect entity comparison
  • find out that multiple screens are still open from other tests
  • reason about shared state of “opened screens”
  • fix by clearing up all screens at the beginning of each test case

Issue #23 - Introduce Multi Tenancy - Part 1

In order to offer the application to multiple clients, let’s enhance the rent-your-stuff application with multi tenancy in order to create a real SaaS solution

  • add multi tenancy add on
  • enhance entities with @TenantId
  • adjust user management UI to support multi tenancy

Issue #24 - Introduce Multi Tenancy - Part 2 - Make Tests run as tenant

Let’s make our tests run as a particular tenant to mirror the actual user scenario.

  • create tenant & user on the fly before each test
  • creating a JUnit 5 extension to automatically setup tenant creating before each test

Issue #25 - Create Rental Order - Part 1 - Domain Model

Let’s enhance our domain model and add a central piece to the table: the rental order

  • create order & order line entity
  • use association, composition for modeling out the connection
  • configure instance names for entities
  • use @SystemLevel to declare the “tenant” attribute as something that should not be used in UI code generation and UI components (like filter)

Issue #26 - Create Rental Order - Part 2 - Domain Model Validation Tests

This video is about adding validation tests for the new domain model of rental orders

  • create validation test for Order and OrderLine
  • check on @PresentOrFuture
  • talk about flakyness with LocalDateTime.now() in test cases
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Issue #27 - Create rental order - Part 3 - Custom Bean Validation

Let’s create a custom validation for a rental order: a valid rental period

  • create a custom validation annotation & ConstraintValidator class
  • refactor validation tests to create custom assertion methods

Issue #28 - Create rental order - Part 4 - Verify @InstanceName

The @InstanceName annotated method for the Order entity is going to be tested this time

  • create a test case for the Order::getInstanceName method
  • verify the injection mechanism of the @InstanceName methods works as expected

Issue #29 - Create rental order - Part 5 - Test data creation

In order to create a storage test for the order, let’s improve our test data creation approach a little bit. This video will guide you through this process:

  • add two depenencies: Lombok & MapStruct to your Jmix application
  • use Lombok’s @Builder annotation for a data class that only contains the business attributes
  • use MapStruct for mapping the data class to the JPA entity using the Jmix DataManager
  • create pre-build product data with the Products test bean
  • refactor the product storage test to use the new approach

Issue #30 - Create rental order - Part 5 - Order storage test

After the new test data creation approach, let’s use this for creating the order storage test

  • create test case for storing an order with order lines
  • generate custom assertions through assertj code generation

Issue #31 - Create rental order - Part 6 - Create CRUD order UI

After having the domain model in place, let’s start with a very simple UI for the order

  • generate UI for order management
  • talk about limitations of CRUD based UIs
  • explore possible improvements for the UI to make it more usable


Issue #32 - Search customer in order creation - Part 1 - Entity suggestion field

To improve user experience during order creation, let them search for customers directly in the screen

  • use Jmix’s entity suggestion field for faster search
  • define custom JQPL query for filtering customers
  • use action properties in XML to open the customer detail screen in DIALOG mode

Dear Mario,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for your informative video series. I’ve learned a lot from it.
Regarding UI testing, I’ve been researching the most suitable approach for Jmix 2.0.1 and came across the “Masquerade” library for UI testing. I’d appreciate your guidance on whether I should use it. If you recommend it, could you provide some instructions or tips to ensure consistency with the content in your videos?

Thank you for your time and expertise.

Best regards,


From my experience browser based e2e testing is comparably expensive and slow compared to other alternatives. Therefore I normally apply the pattern: if a specific functionality can be tested on a different level, I tend to do it there. In Jmix/Vaadin land this is UI integration tests. With those you are not able to test every situation (like client based in interactions, for example the date picker), but almost all logic based situations that you create through code.

But if you really need browser based testing and can live with the downsides it brings, then Masquerade seems to be a valid choice, as it knows all the Jmix specifics.

But I think it is not compatible with Vaadin 24 / Jmix 2.x yet.


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Issue #33 - Search Customer in Order Creation - Part 2 - Test search functionality

After some small break (of almost two years :smiley:), here the second part of the search customer in order creation functionality.

Let’s verify the search behavior to ensure the query definition is working as expected

  • use SearchExecutor to perform the search programmatically
  • verify the results during the test
  • assure when selecting a search result, the customer has been assigned to the order

Issue #34 - Show customer details after selection - Part 1 - UI Logic

Let’s give our users a little more context when creating an order. Show Customer details after selection

  • conditionally show / hide components based on search selection
  • explain the way to align components on the help with the help of vbox / hbox

Let’s verify the search behavior to ensure the query definition is working as expected