Saving HttpSession in redis

Good afternoon!
When trying to save a session in redis, I get a UI serialization error.
How to fix it ?


Vaadin applications do not allow sessions to be stored in separate storage, as there are problems with Vaadin session serialization. You need to use sticky sessions.

Load-balancer configuration with sticky sessions:

Information about sessions in Vaadin:


Do I understand correctly that the session is completely in memory because the UI contains an object for WebSocket, which of course should be available all the time ?

That is, if everything worked only on http requests , then every time we would get a session from redis containing a VaadinSession in one of the attributes and then everything would work ?

You won’t be able to replicate HttpSession of a Jmix application because it contains a lot of non-serializable objects - basically all UI state is attached to the session.

Use sticky sessions mode on the load balancer.