Migration steps from V7

Hi all again. I asked mid last year about migration for jmis. I guess now there are some guide but I can’t found it. The thing is I have a project I’m finishing migrating to V7 from V6, but instead to continue developing on V7, would like to take in consideration migration directly to jmix to be on the wave. There are some guide to do it? It’s a difficult process? have to rewrite too much of the app?


The guide is here - Migration from CUBA :: Jmix Documentation

Personal experience… I’m sorry, I love CUBA and Jmix, but the automated migration feels very rushed to market and very incomplete. There’s a lot of things changed and/or removed, that aren’t dealt with in the automated migration AND also not mentioned in the migration docs.

It’s painful, but probably worth it. Jmix is better. But it’s also VERY different.


Thanks. For me right now seems like imported the project but having issues with liquibase and database migration. BTW, I created and empty database,to be recreated from scratch, and is being impossible.

I talked too fast. Found there are some changes to liquibase to rebuild database from scratch, and now seems I got it, but now crash with a lot of errors about classes not existent in core cuba classes. For example, Authentication is used but there is not cuba.haulmont…Authentication anymore.