1.x --> 2.x migration, yet again

Has anyone figured out an easier path to 1.x → 2.x migration yet? @mario was working on a video series - and he got pretty far but seems to have given up (or got busy with other things).

Is there any way that isn’t basically “haha, just start over from basically scratch?”

I had to redo… spring 5 support died like 6 month ago… wont pass security scans. Who is still using jmix 1.x ? this latest version 2.4 is wayy better though…

have 1 application Ive tried doing for over 2 years, but everytime there still something missing that prevents doing this (dashboard, richt text editor, email templates, …)
I know a bunch of them should be fixed by now, haven’t checked anymore the last months.

I want to start a new project but still features some from 1.x are not available in 2.x (gantt chart)

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