App Starting as White Empty String


I have had a small client site up and running for quite a few days now and after 3 weeks the app starts apparently without any issues but the screen doesn’t load properly.

If I inspect the output html I get the familiar jmix iframe, but head and body are completely empty.

Attach the output debug info at app launch and a copy of the zipped project as cloud links available for download.

project zip

startup log

Can any auto updates in the gradle project have affected it?

Its quite an old JMIX version but have run it without any serious issues until now.

Many thanks in advance hadn’t seen this behavior previously.


could solve it zipping the project and reimplementing it in a new app. I presume something got accidentally broken and this enabled a new instance of the project.

Had other problems then the zip task seems to have taken an old version then many of my recent changes were not in place. So what I had to do was to copy the src/main folder from the old project in the newly extracted project.

then everything was up and running again.

Thanks for your attention and hope this helps.

If anyone has an idea why gradle zip task might be packaging an older version would be glad to know.

Thanks and regards,