Background Task error caption change

Hi all,
Please does anyone have any idea of how I can change the background task caption when there is an error in the handleException method? I want a meaningful caption displayed.

See the image below:

Please assist.


Could you please explain what is a “background task caption when there is an error in the handleException method”? If possible, please provide screenshots of what you’re talking about or a sample project that demonstrates your problem.

Hi Maxim,
Thanks for the reply.
I thought I attached the screenshot. See below:

I want a situation where I can change this caption “backgroundWorkProgress.executionError”

I think the error comes from the
See the class io.jmix.ui.executor.LocalizedTaskWrapper, method: showExecutionError
Also, see the : The message does not have the group id which is the package where it is being called from.


 protected void showExecutionError(Exception ex) {
        Screen ownerFrame = wrappedTask.getOwnerScreen();
        if (ownerFrame != null) {
            Dialogs dialogs = getScreenContext().getDialogs();

                    .withCaption(messages.getMessage(LocalizedTaskWrapper.class, "backgroundWorkProgress.executionError"))

Thank you for reporting the problem. I’ve created an issue.