BPM Addon - receiving NullPointerException

Jmix 2.0.1 , BPM addon

Within a User Task, When I add an input dialog parameter then edit the parameter, I receive an Unexpected error:

NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.equals(Object)" because the return value of "io.jmix.bpmflowui.model.ProcessVariableModel.getName()" is null

Another bug : When editing properties of StartEvent, the ‘Business key’ is not storing its set value .

I am actually following the BPM documentation …

So to reproduce the error, simply follow the steps outlined for ‘Creating Approval User Task’ in the page above.

Hello, I have tried to reproduce this error, but it doesn’t show for me. I made a blank new project, then installed the BPM add-on and started the application so the liquibase changelogs containing BPM tables are applied to the database, and then tried to reproduce both at runtime and design time.

Is this happening during runtime or designtime BPM usage?
I would try to execute gradle clean task, maybe restart the IDE too.

Kind regards,

Hello Robert,

Thank you for reporting problems! The issue has been created for them.

As a temporal workaround for the first problem the name (caption) of the parameter has to be specified during the first editing of it (or can be added manually to xml for already existing process).

For the second problem you can download bpmn xml (1), manually add businessKey into it:
<jmix:formData type="input-dialog" openMode="DIALOG" businessKey="manager">

and upload it to modeller (2):
Снимок экрана 2023-08-08 в 16.44.58

As an alternative, design-time editor in the studio can be used for process definition creation


Thank you Dmitry. Within the xml, What is the actual attribute for the parameter name ? Can you please give example ?

It is caption

<jmix:formField id="manager" caption="Manager" type="entity" editable="true" required="true">

Thanks Dmitry, Your workaround works and will help in the meantime.

Thanks also to Mladen who was so willing to help and troubleshoot. Much appreciated !