with the following versions:
Jmix version: 2.1.3
Jmix Studio plugin version: 2.1.3-233
IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.3 (Ultimate Edition)
we would have a business process in which we would use an event sub process. I have made a poc about this part in which we have troubles. The process is, that in the Review user task if the user accepts the request, the approve task comes. But if the user would like to ask some other reviews from other departments, send a signal with runtimeService.signalEventReceived() method and in this case the sub process should start. (In multiinstance mode, if more than one departments’ review is needed.) Here you can check the model of it:
Is it possible to do this in Jmix? Just because it stucks in the signal start event, doesn’t go to the CoDept Review user task. (I tried also if the sub process is not in multi instance mode.)
By the way, first the app couldn’t start:
Caused by: org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: Errors while parsing:
[Validation set: ‘flowable-executable-process’ | Problem: ‘flowable-signal-event-missing-signal-ref’] : signalEventDefinition does not have a ‘signalRef’ or a ‘signalExpression’ - [Extra info : processDefinitionId = codept | processDefinitionName = Codept | | id = Event_0u7eat2 | ] ( line: 57, column: 69)
After that I added to the xml in an external editor (in IntelliJ I couldn’t) the signalRef attribute to signal start event’s signalDefiniton. In this case the app starts and then it stops at the signal start event:
Could you please help us in this case?
Best regards,