BPM FormJS integration


Since BPM is based on the bpmn.io’s bpmn-js framework, is there a way to integrate their form-js framework and let Users create Forms for BPM?


The general answer is “you can integrate any javascript component”. See the corresponding documentation section for details.
The problem here is that Jmix uses its own UI mechanisms, and these javascript forms will look “non-native”. Also, there are Input Dialog Forms in BPM add-on that do pretty much the same, just in a bit less “visual” way.
What was your vision of form-js integration?

The vision was exactly to give the User a more visual way to create Forms instead of the built in Input Dialog Forms.

I figured it would be too much trouble to do so and the forms would look like a completely different application, but I had to ask to calm everyone.

Thanks for the answer.
