BPM localization

Dear all,

is there a way to localize the captions in generated bpm forms? I tried entering “msg://…” in the modeler, unfortunately to no avail as this appears not to be resolved. It reckon it is understandable that bpmn model files do not want to be tightly coupled to messages.properties.
In flowable, I found that there is a possibility to localize captions in the bpmn file via activiti extensions. Is there maybe a similar mechanism for the jmix extensions?
(Unfortunately, I failed to look this up in http://jmix.io/schema/bpm/bpmn as the link points to a 301 which redirects to a 404 page.)
I know I can always fall back to using jmix form screens, but if no localization is possible that takes a lot of charm out of the rapid-prototypey-attractiveness of the generated dialogs.

Thank you and best regards,


Currently there is no mechanism for providing localized captions for input dialog process forms captions.

I’ve created an issue for that.

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