due to performance resasons when I store a given entity of my app, the system preprocesses some calculations resulting in the insertion of a record in a database table NOT MONITORED OR MAINTAINED by jmix and liquibase.
This is a plain table I can use afterwards to speedup the production of a calculation intensive report.
In the old cuba version liquibase didn’t complain about this table being in the app database. Now in JMIX it is complaining and at every app start, the changelog prompts to store the deletion of this table as one of its changelog files.
I would like the system to bypass this check and leave the table as is, then it allows me to maintain the system tables more easily. However I don’t know where can I tweak this. Have looked a bit around but I am afraid I unintentionally cause any undesired effects.
Any insights on the topic is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.