Can I use Email templates to generate docx or pdfs?

Hello Jmix team,

I started looking into the email templates addon and I see under the cover it uses the reports engine.

My ultimate goal is to be able to generate pdf or docx files using the defined html in the email template. Do you guys think this is achievable purely through customization?
What tips can you give me in this direction?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Konstantin.

Could you please provide more details about the scenario you want to implement? Now it’s not clear unfortunately.

A PDF file from email template can be generated using the scenario:

  1. Create a new template using designer
  2. Click the Export report button
  3. In opened report designer switch to the Templates tab
  4. Edit the template and enable the checkbox Is alterable output → Ok
  5. Save the report → Run → Choose an output type PDF → Run report
