Change caption color of textfield


I am trying to change the caption color of the textField.

Eg :
.textfield-caption {
–text-main-color : #8BFFAA;

<textField caption = "skdhfsdhfk" stylename="textfield-caption">

It is not working.
I have tried to put the style code in <theme-name>.scss and also in styles.scss

Thanks in advance

I did change the color of a Textfield in a Browse Screen this way

> 	@Install(to = "Table.quantity", subject = "columnGenerator")
> 	private Component TableFieldColumnGenerator(Table table)
> 	{
> 		TextField elem = uiComponents.create(TextField.class);
> 		htmlAttributes.applyCss( elem, "text-align: right; width:50px;background-color:red;color:white;");
> 		elem.setValue(table.getQuantity().toString());
> 		return elem;
> 	}

Hi Zehnder,

The sample code which you have shown changes the color of the value inside textField and not the caption.