Change the width/size of twincolumn

Hello jmix,

I am trying to change the width of twincolumn,but i am unble to change the size.
i want support to change the width.

Thanks and regard,
Rohit Kale.


Could you be more specific about what is not working for you?
Some screenshots? Layout code?


Screenshot from 2023-02-22 21-48-45

I have provided this twincolumn in given attachment.I want to increase the width of this twincolun to show the full text inserted into it.How can i increase the size of twincolumn.

Could you provide the code of XML Descriptor file?

        <twinColumn id = "allAgents" leftColumnCaption="Agents" rightColumnCaption="Assigned Agents" width="120%"
                    addAllBtnEnabled="true" tabIndex="2" />

using “width” my issue is resolved .

Thanking you,