Changelog XMLS is not updating the database of the main parent project now

create a composite project
create fullstack project…
create a sub project… create entities in sub project
define sub project as dependency of full stack project
changelogs and db changes are not applied to the main parent project…


works in jmix 1.5

im tired of so many issues

Works for me.
Check that the changelog of your main application includes the changelog of the add-on. Studio does the check on the application start and suggest the changes, maybe you skipped them.

When we use schema property with an entity, liquibase changelog is not generated.
Code reference:
@Table(name = “abs_ABSENCE_TABLE_OBJECT_I_D_TYPE”, schema = “absencemanagement”)
Multiple schemas are generated in single database and we are trying to connect each addon to their respective schema.
Found that when we add this schema property to @Table annotation in entity class, it doesn’t generate anything, but if we don’t use it, it generates table in public schemas.
Also noticed that this behavior is common, irrespective whether any data store configured or not in any addon projects.

Any updates on this?

Studio doesn’t support generating changelogs for non-default schema.
There is an issue for this functionality:

It worked on jmix 1.5, We were using this in 10 sub projects… 5 months after having my application rejected by devops… we are trying to rebuild on jmix 2.2 and we now learned we dont have a database for these sub projects. What are we supposed to do now?


As it was said by Konstantin above, Studio doesn’t support generating changelogs for non-default schema. And I would like to note that there are no difference between Jmix 1.5 and Jmix 2.2 in non-default schema handling.

Regarding your case: “Found that when we add this schema property to @Table annotation in entity class, it doesn’t generate anything”.
I’ve found that if you manually create needed schema in database and specify schema as datastore URL parameter (e.g. ?currentSchema=myschema for PostgreSQL) Liquibase changelog generation works for such datastore.
But please note that resulting changelog(s) won’t contain any information about schema, so it should be run using this connection with schema parameter. Select add-on datastore and perform Update action for it.
Also you shouldn’t include add-ons root changelogs to the application root changelog as Studio suggests. In other case they will be executed on default schema.