Hi Konstantin
I could not believe it, because this is running in my application.
Attached you find the same program, but with JMix 2.4.2 and all is running perfectly !!!
Already with JMix 2.4.4 problems started; if you wanted to edit a Type, there was the same errormessage, but data where saved.
Now with JMix 2.5 it is gone.
Very strange. I did loose the whole day just trying to find this out. My problem now is, that I have to downgrade anything to 2.4.2. But if I take the version from the 2.4.2 days, other changes are not present anymore …
Do you think, there will be soon a release, where this CompositeKey is working again ?
Here the version which is flawless working with JMix 2.4.2
CompKey242.zip (1.0 MB)
Here the version which starts to display errors on editing an existing type with JMix 2.4.4
CompKey24.zip (1.0 MB)