Composite project and hsqldb issue

I’m using jmix 1.5, with Studio version 2.2.0-233 (but I always have this issue, also in previous versions).
I’m using composite project in this way: it incluses an addon-project and a full-stack-project that depends on it.
As the addon project includes entities, I added a datastore to it in order to have liquibase changelogs generation.
If I use hsqldb, than the full-stack-project, as is, will be no more bootable because of an unreleased lock in hsqldb database:

liquibase.lockservice : Waiting for changelog lock....

it seems that when booted, the application (wrongly) tries to use two different databases instead of one leaving one in a locked state (i suppose it switches during changelog check, or something):
the one located in folder full-stack-project/.jmix/hsqldb/ and the other located in composite-project-all/jmix/hsqldb

The workaround i found is to completely delete the full-stack-project/.jmix folder and replace it with a symbolic link to composite-project-all/jmix/hsqldb :
this way I’m forcing the procedure to phisically use the same database…
this is very annoying because I use a lot of composite projects and I have to remember to manually delete folders and create symlink



Hi Michele.

Can you provide a sample project?
Use Jmix → Gradle → Zip Project (Jmix Tool Window :: Jmix Documentation).


hi Ivan,
thank you for the quick response. Making a new sample project (pun unintended), I realized that in this way (using simple and nearly unmodified new projects) the issue is not showing up…
Please let me check deeper and report my findings

thank you
