Composite project and unknown abstract schema type exception

Hi, having a module addons dependency structure in a composite project as follow:

servicepadomain ← servicepaadmin ← app

where in servicepadomain there are entities and related screens, and in app there’s a configuration class where AdminpaConfiguration.class is relative to servicepaadmin

@JmixModule(id = “addons_dependency_config”, dependsOn = {AdminpaConfiguration.class})
public class AddonsDependencyConfig {

but trying to access to entities screen it give me the follow exception:

Exception Description: Problem compiling [select e from dompa_T100ente e].
[14, 28] The abstract schema type ‘dompa_T100ente’ is unknown.

Adding servicepadomain as dependency directly to app, and configuring it as @JmixModule solves the problem… but i’d want to use that transitively through servicepaadmin

Thanks in advance for helping

Hi Michele,

I don’t quite understand how you have configured the module dependencies.

Provided that servicepadomain and servicepaadmin are package names, you should have the following configuration classes:

In servicepadomain:

@JmixModule(dependsOn = {EclipselinkConfiguration.class, <maybe others>})
public class ServicepaDomainConfig {

In servicepaadmin:

@JmixModule(dependsOn = {ServicepaDomainConfig.class, <maybe others>})
public class ServicepaAdminConfig {

See more info in the docs. Pay attention to the tip at the bottom of the section.