Could not find io.jmix.authserver:jmix-authserver-starter

Just created a new jmix project. Tried to install rest api addon. It included the following line in my build.gradle: implementation ‘io.jmix.authserver:jmix-authserver-starter’.
When I run the application, it says:
Execution failed for task ‘:compileJava’.

Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:compileClasspath’.
Could not find io.jmix.authserver:jmix-authserver-starter:.
Required by:
project :

Possible solution:

Hello, which version of the Jmix framework did you choose when creating the project? What repository was specified? Have you also added implementation '' to build.gradle and registered the client in as described in the documentation? Does the project run with other addons?

Hello Timur,
The version is 1.4.4.
Yes, I have add jmix-rest-starter.
And registered client:
Only addons I’ve got are Data tools and russian translation. If they are counted, then yes.

This dependency is compatible with version 2.0, you don’t need to use it in your case, see the addon documentation for your version or create a new project with Jmix 2.0. I tried to create a new 1.4.4 project and install rest api addon from the marketplace but this line was not added to the project for me.

thank you!