Database encoding to UTF8?


Database generated in Mysql is always using usng charset : latin and collation latin1_swedish_ci.

There is any way to change charset when generating table ??


Please describe in more detail what you are doing and what is going wrong.
Also, provide versions of Jmix, database, OS.


I’m on last version 1.3.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 jdk11.

I try to generate database on mysql 5.7 using intellij studio also with last version of plugin 1.3.4. and the databasse is always using charset “latin” with collation “latin1_swedish_ci”.

My question is related to changing default charset and collation

Best regards


Jmix Studio doesn’t control database default charset and collation. You get server defaults.
As the database creation in Studio performed by executing the following statements (e.g. database name is test_db):
drop database test_db;
create database test_db;

You can create database manually to set specific charset and collation.
Another option I guess is to change default settings for the server. Quick search leads to the following page in MySQL docs: MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 10.3.2 Server Character Set and Collation

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