DataGrid should keep the selection, .withBackwardNavigation(true) does not help

Searching large DataGrids with eyes is difficult.
Users select a line, open a record, do some stuff and close it. They expect to return to selected line. But the screen is reloaded, on the top, no selected line.
The user is lost and has to search the line/record again.

The “.withBackwardNavigation(true)” has no effect in any usecase.
Why is it so UX unfriendly?

Is this the only way? Multiple selection on multiple pages in Datagrid

…subscribing on DataGrid’s selection event to store selection and to CollectionChangeEvent to restore selection

Thank you.


When route has changed a new instance of corresponding View is created, hence when you return from detail view to the list view a new instance if list view is created. Save if you just reload the page.

If you need to persist selected item, you can open detail view in a dialog mode.
