Dev Partner Searched for Small Sized Company Product

Hi there,

I am looking for a dev partner for our in-company products. We manage a small sized company in Barcelona, Spain focused on Residential Rental Services.

My story is as follows:

I have developed two applications for my company, Operations and Accounting with CUBA and JMIX respectively. I need to settle the path of software dev for the coming years and need to decide either if I abandone the platform and choose a third party solution or continue with the afore mentioned solution and continue integrating them in a single app.

Pros are known by everyone here. Great product and support.

Cons, no successors aiming at getting involved in software maintainance and development on my side.

This poses a seriouis disavtangage for our long term horizon. Hence considering abandoning the platform.

So that’s why I am looking for anyone or company aiming at considering taking the torch on this. I don’t know of any companies that may assume such scenarios, so I presume a sort of freelancer is what I need. The appplications are finished, but legal changes often lead to obligatory introduce modifications in the application to reflect new scenarios. So I am not asking to develop a brand new app. I am asking for a successor in my tasks.

If any individual or company is interested in knowing further about all this please contact me either through mail at .

Thanks for reading.


Dear Carlos,

We are a french company which also use Cuba and Jmix for several internal projects and MVPs. I will share my experience regarding HR for our projects and I hope that it can help:

  • Any Java Backend Backend Developer having experience with Spring or Java EE can easily find his/her way around Jmix.

  • By experience the learning curve of core Jmix functionalities (excluding additional features such as Reporting, BPM, etc) is around 5 Days. Your developers can be challenged to use the free trial and give you their feedback.

  • Based on the complexity of your project, If your freelancer(s) needs training, you can go for a quick training with Jmix team to get them up and running.

Best Regards,

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