DevelopmentException: can't find bean class


I have a Composite Project with several addons for my App project. Using JMIX Studio with IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 and JMIX version 1.5.1 .

When I try to create a managed bean via the @Component annotation, the framework is not able to find those beans in execution time, whereas the IDE correctly processes it and makes it available in the Inject dialog.

This is how I accomplished it in the past in another project and had no issues.

Now I am getting the following error:

DevelopmentException: Unable to find an instance of type 'class 
com.sofia.beans.TenancyAgreementPrintablesBean' named 'tenancyAgreementPrintablesBean' for 
instance of ''

Have digged in the UiControllerDependencyInjector class and found out the beantype is not in the applicationContext beanmap. So I presume this has to do with some kind of setup, then the class is resolved fine, but not the managed instantiation.

Do I need to treat this beans differently depending on the conttext of a standalone app and a composite project?

Any ideas?

Hi Carlos,

How do you start the application? Using the IDE run/debug configuration?

Can you reproduce the problem on a small project with a couple of add-ons?