Display radioButtonGroup in DataGrid

I am trying to display radioButtonGroup component in dataGrid with reference to the documentation of renderer as follows but I get Combox box. The field value is coming from Enum.

@Supply(to = "interviewAssessmentDetailTable.interviewScore", subject = "renderer")
    private Renderer<InterviewAssessmentDetail> interviewAssessmentDetailTableInterviewScoreRenderer() {
        return new ComponentRenderer<>(
                () -> {
                    RadioButtonGroup radioButtonGroup = uiComponents.create(RadioButtonGroup.class);
                    return radioButtonGroup;
                (radioButtonGroup, customer) -> radioButtonGroup.setValue(customer.getInterviewScore())

I am getting combobox instead of RadioButtonGroup component.

You need to let the component know what options it has:

@Supply(to = "interviewAssessmentDetailTable.interviewScore", subject = "renderer")
private Renderer<InterviewAssessmentDetail> interviewAssessmentDetailTableInterviewScoreRenderer() {
    return new ComponentRenderer<>(
            customer -> {
                // create Jmix variant of the component:
                JmixRadioButtonGroup radioButtonGroup = uiComponents.create(JmixRadioButtonGroup.class);
                radioButtonGroup.setItems(InterviewScore.class); // your enum class
                return radioButtonGroup;
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Thank you Konstantin.

The radio button is working fine which is loaded from enum.

I have noticed that the radio button I selected from the table (composition) is not saved. It is saved only when I use a comboBox to exit inline. How can I fix this?

Please provide a test project where we could reproduce the issue.

Hi Konstantin
I have created a demo project as requested.

Go to Feedback menu and create new.
In detail screen, click on “Refresh” button to automatically populate data as follows"


Change the radio button from the table and save it. check it back, you will see ‘no change’ saved.

Here is the project.
radiobuttonDatagrid.zip (127.5 KB)

Hi Mortoza,

You should change the component value as follows:

@Supply(to = "feedbackLineDataGrid.rationale", subject = "renderer")
private Renderer<FeedbackLine> feedbackLineDataGridRationaleRenderer() {
    return new ComponentRenderer<>(
            feedbackLine -> {
                // create Jmix variant of the component:
                JmixRadioButtonGroup<Rationale> radioButtonGroup = uiComponents.create(JmixRadioButtonGroup.class);
                radioButtonGroup.setItems(Rationale.class); // your enum class
                // save changed value in the entity
                radioButtonGroup.addValueChangeListener(valueChangeEvent -> {
                return radioButtonGroup;
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Thank you so much, Konstantin. It worked perfectly.