I am trying to use dynamic attributes with jmix 2.1.2. It works well until a certain moment.
What I am trying to do is to use dynamicAttributesPanel so that I can select the category. However my entity (which by the way implements Categorized) has also other fields that I need to fill in.
When I try to save the entity there is no validation for the dynamic attributes.
Below is a screenshot from my application; starting from Description I have my fields attached directly to the entity and not part of the dynamic attributes and no validation error that values are required.
In the xml I have the following:
<dynamicAttributesPanel dataContainer="documentDc"
<formLayout id="form" dataContainer="documentDc">
<textField id="nameField" property="name"/>
<textField id="descriptionField" property="description"/>
<textField id="ownerField" property="owner"/>
<textField id="keywordsField" property="keywords"/>
<textArea id="locationField" height="9.5em" property="location"/>
I was wondering how can I trigger the validation of the dynamic attributes ? Because when I press on OK my entity is saved without any values for the dynamic attributes.
Thanks in advance.