Enhance JPQL designer

JPQL designer in Jmix is one of the most interesting productivity tools embedded into that I enjoy after migrating my project from CUBA platform. This designer saves a lot of time and efforts.

In order to make the JPQL designer even more productive, I would propose to Jmix team to consider the followings:

  1. Support sub-query
  2. Add option to use parameters like :components_, :container_ etc. in the query. Currently it can be typed without a validation or autocomplete
  3. Option to select fetchPlan and fetchProperties

Hi Mortoza,
Thank you for your suggestions!

  1. Support for subqueries seems too hard to implement, so most probably it will remain out of scope of the designer.
  2. Definitely should be implemented. Created issue: https://youtrack.haulmont.com/issue/JST-3888/Autocomplete-and-validation-for-predefined-parameters-component-container
  3. Fetch plans are defined on the different layer (data containers), so I don’t think it’s correct to mix them with the query.
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Hi Konstantin
Thanks for considering #2 above. For #3, the use of facePlanProperties, facePlan etc. is not needed in xml code as we have option to play with the attribute selection but it would be very useful when using it in the controller.

Agree. But then the fetch plan editor should produce the Java code embedded in the data manager fluent interface. Actually, we already have a long-standing issue about that: https://youtrack.haulmont.com/issue/JST-192/Add-support-Fetch-Plan-Edit-Screen-for-FetchPlanBuilder

Thanks, hope this will have some time allocated by the resources needed…