EntityComboBox caption position

How do I specify the caption position for a EntityComboBox. This field is located in the cssLayout for which I specified css style:
display: inline-flex;
flex-flow: column wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
I need the title to be above the field, not to the left of it. The console shows that this is generally a separate “Div” block. I tried to set the position (tag display: block) by the class, but it broke the entire position and location of the blocks in a row.


That is correct, most of the UI component don’t render their captions themselves. In your case, you can do the same as ordered containers do (hbox, vbox) wrap field into additional div, so both field and caption located in the separate container which can have its own display style. In the simplest case, just wrap field into vbox and that will do the trick.


Hi, the Div block is not available in version 1.4.x

cssLayout is a simple div or as I mentioned above just wrap field into vbox and that will do the trick.