Adding onto a question discussed prior at this post 2 years ago:
The instructions work well with Gradle and Jmix 2.3.1 (My current version) for everything except datasource parameters. I’m probably doing something wrong, but when I set the following in my
main.datasource.url = ${DB_CONNECTION_STRING:jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/development}
main.datasource.username = ${DB_USER:postgres}
main.datasource.password = ${DB_PASSWORD:postgres}
And then set the following Environment Variables in my Run/Debug Configuration for IntelliJIdea:
I am unable to get the project to start. From my understanding I should just need to declare the variable and then pass it in, and this does work for several other areas such as setting up my ldaps connection and passwords for my keystore files, it does not work for specifically setting the Database parameters.
I’m probably misapplying something, so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Jmix 2.3.1 using Gradle