Example of JmixMultiValuePicker UI to DB Interaction

Hi to everyone,
I’m very happy to share classic UI JmixMultiValuePicker component to DB interaction
I develop for my company www.data-ware.it (Italy) .

Following the steps I did to create the DB->GUI and GUI->DB interaction

If you need help contact me on scarfagna@data-ware.it I will be happy to help you.

jmix p1

Define enumeration in order to have have the choices we need

// www.data-ware.it
public enum it.data-ware.ValueEnum implements EnumClass<String> {

Place the component on ““Detail”” view of the Entity

<!-- www.data-ware.it -->
<formLayout id="form" dataContainer="nameDc">
                    <multiValuePicker id="architectureValuePicker" label="Architecture">
                            <action id="select" type="multi_value_select">
                                    <!-- mind the gap --> 
                                    <!-- we are handling ValueEnum Object --> 
                                    <!-- mind the gap --> 
                                    <property name="enumClass" value="it.data-ware.example.entity.ValueEnum "/>
                            <action id="clear" type="value_clear"/>
<!-- www.data-ware.it -->

On the Detail View code form we need to handle events from Jmix

// www.data-ware.it
public class CustomEntityDetailView extends StandardDetailView<CustomEntity> {
// www.data-ware.it

First, inject the component valuePicker, defined on the xml form

    // www.data-ware.it
    private JmixMultiValuePicker<Object> valuePicker;
    // www.data-ware.it

Then subscribe the onReady event in order to fill the component values to UI component

    // www.data-ware.it
    public void onReady(final ReadyEvent event) {
        // ...
        final String architecture = getEditedEntity().getArchitecture();

        // ...
        final String[]          architectureParts     = architecture.split(";");
        final ArrayList<Object> valuePartsEnum = new ArrayList<>();

        // ...
        for (String architecturePart : architectureParts) {
            // mind the gap
            // from string to Enum 
            final ValueEnum item = ValueEnum.fromId(architecturePart);
            valuePartsEnum .add(item);

        // ...
        valuePicker.setValue(valuePartsEnum );
    // www.data-ware.it

Finally subscribe the onBeforeSave event to get component values from UI and set it on Entity field to allow Jmix to save it.

    // www.data-ware.it
    public void onBeforeSave(final BeforeSaveEvent event) {
        // ...

        // set empty field and exit
        if (!architectureValuePicker.isEmpty()) {
            // ...
            final Collection<Object> collection = valuePicker.getValue();

            // ...
            final StringBuffer architectureParts = new StringBuffer();

            // ...
            collection.forEach((temp) -> {

            // ...
            architectureParts.setLength(architectureParts.length() - 1);
            final String architecture = architectureParts.toString();

            // ...
    // www.data-ware.it


Hi Stefano, thanks for your work! Sincerely appreciate your input for Community!

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Hi. Perhaps I didn’t understand something, but why not just use setters and getters on your entity property?

    @Column(name = "TEST_ENUMS")
    private var testEnums: String? = null

    fun getTestEnums(): List<TestEnum> {
        if (testEnums.isNullOrBlank()) return emptyList()

        return testEnums!!.split(",").map { TestEnum.valueOf(it) }

    fun setTestEnums(testEnums: List<TestEnum>) {
        this.testEnums = testEnums.joinToString(",")
       <multiValuePicker id="testEnumsField" property="testEnums">
                    <action id="multiValueSelect" type="multi_value_select">
                            <property name="enumClass" value="com.company.testjmix.entity.TestEnum"/>
                    <action id="valueClear" type="value_clear"/>

Thats all. No additional code in screen controllers.


Thanks for the suggestion, it’s definitely a further improvement.

Thank to Jmix team too. I like your product. So is nice for me to share all the thinks can help developers to create solutions. :slight_smile:



Thank you for sharing anyone following the steps DB->GUI and GUI->DB found a good response.

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You are welcome
I’m happy to help.