Excel report header disapear

Why the report in excel start with the $A$1 not with $A$2?
I try to forced to add a name for the header but is written.

Captură de ecran de la 2024-10-03 19-03-28

The header zone is written by data.

Captură de ecran de la 2024-10-03 19-05-07

My bands
Captură de ecran de la 2024-10-03 19-41-00

How I can fix this.

Also in the name of output file only one variable from dataset is possible to add, the second is written as is example: Raport_${band.var1}${band.var2}.xlsx is saved as Raport_valueforvar1${band.var2}.xlsx

Was necessary to add an empty Header band.

Captură de ecran de la 2024-10-03 20-41-46

and the result

Captură de ecran de la 2024-10-03 20-44-37