Filter input button too small

Hi there.

I have a problem with master-detail screens. When i try to add a filter condition to search for a String, the input field gets shrink, until i push the spluit to the extreme right and hide it, while taking the frame to big dimensions.
I created a sample project with an basic entity and simple master-detail to see if it was me or not and i could reproduce.
If you have any idea, please tell me. This is pretty problematic to my customer. He can not easily use the filter as trying to type a text selects the cross button and closes the line.


Capture d’écran 2022-01-15 à 22.32.09

Hi, @cuba

You can try to reduce the number of conditions per line (the default number of conditions per line is three).

  • In screen descriptor
        <filter id="filter" dataLoader="testDl" columnsCount="2">
            <properties include=".*"/>
  • In screen controller


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Hi @durygin
Thanks, that helped a lot. I just set that parameter to 1, as anyway the customer does not have enough room to display more than one. I did not expect this to cause the problem but it now became clear that RTFM is not always the solution, i knew it but did not make the relation (expected column count to only be a problem when there were that many columns to be displayed). meh.

Have a nice day !