Fix UiIntegrationTest in new project

A class UiIntegrationTest is generated but mainScreenId has an error if a jmix project id was set.
The test failed because of this error

I get

@UiTest(authenticatedUser = "admin", mainScreenId = "MainScreen", screenBasePackages = [""])
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [AppSmsApplication::class, UiTestAssistConfiguration::class])
abstract class UiIntegrationTest

instead of

@UiTest(authenticatedUser = "admin", mainScreenId = "SMS_MainScreen", screenBasePackages = [""])
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [AppSmsApplication::class, UiTestAssistConfiguration::class])
abstract class UiIntegrationTest

Thanks for the report!
Fixed: UiIntegrationTest has invalid reference to main screen if project id is set · Issue #1534 · jmix-framework/jmix · GitHub