FlowUI theme change

Hi there,
I’m testing the new FlowUI. And want to change theme.
Is any solution to implement theme breeze-theme from vaadin directory?

It is based from LUMO theme.
Is there any documentation for new FlowUI ?



There is no Jmix specific in this case. Just follow Vaadin Directory and Add-on guidelines:
Add add-on dependency and change your theme annotation to use Breeze: @Theme("breeze"). This annotation is defined for the main Application class.

Not yet. The FlowUI module is in active development and will be changed significantly in subsequent patches, so it’s impossible to have any up-to-date documentation.


so, i’ve tried following this mentioned steps, but getting the following error:

[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import “@vaadin/component-base/src/slot-mixin.js” from “/Users/ronald/IdeaProjects/mi-jmix-app21/node_modules/@vaadin/crud/src/vaadin-crud.js”.