I’ve been testing fragments in Jmix 2.3.0-RC1 (with 2.3.NIGHTLY1357-241 plugin). I’m having difficulty with actions. In my fragment descriptor, I’ve created an action that is used by several buttons:
<fragment xmlns="http://jmix.io/schema/flowui/fragment">
<vbox id="root">
<button id="fragBtn1" action="fragmentAction" text="fragment button 1"/>
<button id="fragBtn2" action="fragmentAction" text="fragment button 2"/>
<button id="fragBtn3" action="fragmentAction" text="fragment button 3"/>
<action id="fragmentAction"/>
In my controller, I’ve coded an event handler and need to determine the id of the button that has been clicked:
protected void onFragmentAction(final ActionPerformedEvent event) {
if (event.getComponent().getId().isPresent()) {
String btnId = event.getComponent().getId().get();
notifications.show("fragment button pressed: ".concat(btnId));
} else {
notifications.show("fragment button was pressed but no id available");
Although the handler detects the button click, I’m unable to retrieve the id of the button. This does work properly from a regular view. It also worked with fragments in Jmix 1.x. Using the debugger, I can determine the button that was clicked but not via a public method.
I’ve attached a sample project that shows the behavior of both a list view and a fragment. Is there any chance this could be fixed for the official 2.3.0 release, or am I simply doing something wrong in attempting to retrieve the id of the button?
FragmentAction.zip (109.6 KB)