How to change the screen is called in a button in JMIX V2


We are migrating a project from Jmix V1.5 to V2.0.

Our create button in our screen is not calling the standar .detail screen.

In JMIX v1.5 this was solved by using the tag property name=“screenId” value=“Name of the screen”. Example below

            <action id="create" type="create">
                **<property name="screenId" value="ComaSectore_EELL.edit"/>**

This option is not longer working in JMIX v2 and after several hours searching in the documentation. Can you please let me know how to call a different .detail screen from the create button with xml?

Thank you!



In v 2.0, screens were renamed views.

So, the screenId property has been renamed to viewId.
You might have seen this property in the Component Inspector:

Best regards,