How to create empty rows based on the optional numbers of the created rows in a table

protected void onCreateDataGridBtnClick(ClickEvent event) {
Integer rowCount = columnCountField.getValue(); // Reusing the field for row count

    if (rowCount == null || rowCount < 1 || rowCount > 10) {
        notifications.create("Row count must be between 1 and 10")

    KeyValueCollectionContainer container = createDataContainer(rowCount);
    DataGrid<KeyValueEntity> dataGrid = createDataGrid(container); // Now passing container directly

// Create editable DataGrid
protected DataGrid<KeyValueEntity> createDataGrid(KeyValueCollectionContainer container) {
    DataGrid<KeyValueEntity> dataGrid = uiComponents.create(DataGrid.class);

    // Add editable columns (each column will contain an input field)
    dataGrid.addColumn("prop1", container.getEntityMetaClass().getPropertyPath("prop1"))
            .setEditorComponent(createEditorField());  // Set the input field for editing

    dataGrid.addColumn("prop2", container.getEntityMetaClass().getPropertyPath("prop2"))
            .setEditorComponent(createEditorField());  // Set the input field for editing

    dataGrid.setItems(new ContainerDataGridItems(container));

    // Optional: Handle saving data after editing

// dataGrid.addEditorSaveListener(event → {
// KeyValueEntity entity = event.getItem();
// saveData(entity); // Implement saving logic here
// });

    return dataGrid;

// Create an editor component (TextField in this case)
protected TextField createEditorField() {
    TextField textField = uiComponents.create(TextField.class);
    return textField;

protected KeyValueCollectionContainer createDataContainer(Integer rowCount) {
    KeyValueCollectionContainer container = dataComponents.createKeyValueCollectionContainer();

    // Create columns with properties for each row
    container.addProperty("prop1", String.class);
    container.addProperty("prop2", String.class);

    container.setItems(loadData(rowCount));  // Load data for rows
    return container;

protected Collection<KeyValueEntity> loadData(Integer rowCount) {
    Collection<KeyValueEntity> list = new ArrayList<>();

    // Create rows with empty or default values
    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
        KeyValueEntity entity = new KeyValueEntity();
        entity.setValue("prop1", "");  // Empty value for prop1
        entity.setValue("prop2", "");  // Empty value for prop2

    return list;

Cause I wanna create the rows as I want and the rows is input fields for user putting the value. But there is no field for all the rows for user to put the data