How to custom BPMN-js library

Hi team,

We have plan to use jmix-BPM-addon for our customers application.
Thanks to Jmix team for excellent tool.
But before implementation, we are interesting about how to deeply customize
For example:

  1. Custom package jmix-bpm-modeler to use: bpmn-js-color-picker (GitHub - bpmn-io/bpmn-js-color-picker: A simple color picker for your BPMN elements.) ?
    2.Custom package jmix-bpm-modeler to use: bpmn-js-token-simulation (GitHub - bpmn-io/bpmn-js-token-simulation: A BPMN 2.0 specification compliant token simulator.) ?
  2. Update to newest bpmn-js version (at this moment bpmn-js version 11.1.0) ?
  3. Could we fork jmix-BPM-addon to more deeply custom what do we want (In this case we have buy jmix enteprise license) ?


While your Jmix enterprise license is active we may give you access to the repository with commercial add-ons. You will be able to fork them and implement any modification you need.

We have nice information from Jmix team.
Thank you very much!