How to debug this error?

Hi All
I have an application which is running fine in the IDE.
As soon as I deploy it and am working with the jar file, I get an error in the browser, only partitial fields are visible …

How to find out, what is going wrong ?

JMix 2.2.1
OpenJDK 17.0.11 on Debian or on Windows 11

Best regards



Could you please specify how you build jar file?


./gradlew -Pvaadin.productionMode=true bootJar

Does it happens for all views or only for specific? Could you please share xml descriptor and java controller of this view?

Also, make sure your build.gradle contains the following code:

vaadin {
    optimizeBundle = false

It is required for production builds.

Hi Gleb

Wow. Thank you. Until now this was not needed ;/

Now all is working fine !

Thank you !
