How to hide vaadinVersion frim response


Below Vaadin version is getting displayed in response is it possible we can hide version details.

Observation : Technology disclosure allows attackers to gain insights into the technologies and software used in the
application, potentially aiding them in crafting targeted attacks or exploiting specific software
VAADIN applications might expose version information in various ways, such as in HTTP headers,
meta tags, or response content. Attackers can use this information to identify known vulnerabilities
and exploit them

    "theme": "mcollectBase",
    "versionInfo": {
        "vaadinVersion": "8.14.3-1-jmix",
        "atmosphereVersion": "2.4.30-1-cuba"

Hi, Adnan!

The same behavior you can reproduce on native Vaadin. So we can’t influence on it. There is an article with comments from Vaadin Team that describes reasons of such decision.

Also there is an article that seems like to be containing an partial solving of problem with appearing Vaadin version in HTML page source code.