could you please advise me, how to reload/fresh list of dependent supplements displayed in opened parent entity?
The main entity id ApplicationForm, then it has 1:N Supplements.
The Suplements are displayed in a table.
I have a use-case, when I create the Supplements in the background in the controller, but the new ones are not displayed in the table. Refresh “Action” butotn does not work
… After reopening the form, they are displyed correctly.
So how do I refresh the UI table with the list of Supplements?
Thank you.
@OrderBy("createdDate DESC")
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "applicationForm")
private List<Supplements> supplements;
ApplicationForm e = getEditedEntity();
List<Supplements> supplements = e.getSupplements();
if (supplements == null) {
supplements = new ArrayList<>();
s = dataManager.create(Supplements.class);
s = dataContext.merge(s);