ImportConfiguration with Custom Data Extractor Parameters and parsing doubles with user's locale


I’m using ImportConfiguration and ImportConfigurationBuilder classes to set up custom data imports in JMIX. However, I’ve hit a significant limitation: it seems I can’t pass custom parameters to my custom data extractors. This flexibility is crucial as I need to dynamically adjust extractor behavior based on different import scenarios. Is there a workaround for this limitation or an alternative approach I should consider?

The second problem I noticed is that the SimplePropertyValueProvider class uses parseDouble for decimal numbers. However, this Java method doesn’t consider user locales. It would be beneficial to either define the locale as an import parameter or at least utilize the locale defined by the user. This would ensure accurate parsing of decimal numbers according to user preferences. Can this functionality be addressed in a future JMIX update?

I would appreciate any guidance on handling this situation or information on planned updates that may address this functionality in future JMIX releases.



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