Is there an equivalent for a side menu?

In jmix 1.5 we used the sidemenu to explore the fields of classes and nested objects to find paths for a beanwrapper. After the update to jmix 2 we cannot find a solution how to do this.

Hello Eduardo!

In Jmix 2.x you can use JmixListMenu component as a replacement for SideMenu. In XML it has <listMenu> tag, for instance:


<nav id="navigation" ...>
    <listMenu id="menu"/>

Do you mean classes and beans as menu items? In 2.x JmixListMenu applies only bean menu items. You can add them like this:


<menu id="application" ...>
    <item bean="myMenuBean"
          title="Menu bean"/>

And bean itself:

public class MyMenuBean {
    private final ViewNavigators viewNavigators;

    public MyMenuBean(ViewNavigators viewNavigators) {
        this.viewNavigators = viewNavigators;

    public void navigateToUsersList() {

To get the menu item instance you can do the following:

private JmixListMenu menu;

public void onInit(final InitEvent event) {
    JmixListMenu.BeanMenuItem beanMenuItem =
            (JmixListMenu.BeanMenuItem) menu.getMenuItem("myMenuBean#navigateToUsersList");
    // override click on item
    beanMenuItem.withClickHandler(menuItem -> {"Bean menu item clicked");