isNull operator in the /entities/search endpoint doesn't work with references

There is a related thread in Cuba.Platform. The solution in Cuba.Platform creates the same issue in Jmix. The link is below.

Removing the following content solved my problem.

//        if (metaProperty.getRange().isClass()) {
//            if (Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(metaProperty.getJavaType())) {
//                MetaClass _metaClass = metadata.getClass(metaProperty.getJavaType());
//                MetaProperty primaryKeyProperty = metadataTools.getPrimaryKeyProperty(_metaClass);
//                String pkName = primaryKeyProperty.getName();
//                propertyName += "." + pkName;
//                propertyPath = metaClass.getPropertyPath(propertyName);
//                if (propertyPath == null) {
//                    throw new RestFilterParseException("Property " + propertyName + " for " + metaClass.getName() + " not found");
//                }
//                metaProperty = propertyPath.getMetaProperty();
//            }
//        }

Framework : Jmix 1.5.1


I’ve created an issue for transferring these changes from CUBA. Thank you for reporting.