Java live reload unavailable

I’m getting an warning message saying “Java live reload unavailable” when going to localhost:8080 (new Flow UI project).

And when I try http://localhost:51137/ it says Connection Lost.

How can I fix these?

Screenshot 2022-12-03 2100572


You can ignore this warning. For Java code we provide our own hot-deploy feature.


I did create some applications with JMix and the classic UI.

After the last message about jmix 2 I decided to change to Flow-UI.

You cannot make a list of features which will not work anymore or some tips, which messages to ignore ( i did spend some time to find out, that with jmix i can ignore the message above ) and how to move on when changing the application from classic-ui to flow-ui ?

I miss for example all the list on top of the screen with all loaded modules and the ability to close a module

Best regards



Could you please elaborate what modules do you mean?


Sorry Gleb to be so unprecisly

I am talking about the User Interface, views. In classic GUI you can see all opened views on the top of the screen. I am missing this in Flow UI ?



Flow UI differs from Classic UI in terms of routing, navigation and screen recreation.

In Classic UI:

  • a screen can have no route because we update we update URL after screen is opened.
  • when you reload the page, a screen state is preserved.

In Flow UI:

  • a view must have a route because when a user navigates to a route, a corresponding view is found and only then it’s created.
  • when you reload the page, a view is fully recreated.

Because of these differences, at least for now, there is no way to display several views in-app tabs like in Classic UI, but instead you can open them in several browser tabs like any other web app.


Thank you Gleb

I think these important information you should put somewhere in an introduction to flow-ui. My users like the bar with the different open views :wink:

Best regards
