Jmix 1.6.1 Excel export not exporting all rows

I have a Jmix 1.6.1 project.
For some strange reason, I am having the following problem:

Whenever users export ALL ROWS to Excel, only a portion of the rows are actually downloaded to Excel. Many users connected to the same webapp from (different machines) have the same issue.
However, when I connect to the webapp from my machine , it seems to work okay 99% of the time.

Has anyone come across such a strange issue ? Any ideas ?
I have been on this for days trying to figure it out and would really appreciate the help.


It is better to have more details on problematic cases to reproduce and figure out the reason.

How many rows in grid were going to be exported?
Does it have some unusual field types?
Are there any errors in logs for this time?

For example the grid has 2,900 rows and only 2,400 rows are actually exported to Excel.

In some cases, the number of rows extracted are more than displayed in the grid and when I checked, I saw where many of the rows are actually duplicated in the exported Excel file. So that is strange.

I see no error in the logs.
There are no unusual field types.

Is the maximum number of rows actually exported always the same? Can it be connected to fetch limits?

Each time rows are extracted from the grids, a different number of rows appear in the Excel file each time. It is happening to multiple grids. This used to work okay months ago and it is a webapp that has been used for a while now.

But the strange thing is that when I log on to the webapp remotely using a vpn, the records seem to be extracted okay - it has only happened to me once where not all rows got exported.

Could it be a networking/security policy or issue on the client’s network that is causing that ? Is that possible ?

Security can be related if the number of rows differs from user to user, but keeps the same between export attempts. To investigate you can enable sql logging in settings and compare queries and results.

Try to add to this line:

The developers promised to add this setting to the documentation