Jmix 2.0 changelog contain duplicates


For new composite project (Jmix 2.0 flow UI)
I noticed that the change logs generated automatically by different addons contain duplicates.

  1. create new composite project: test0707

  2. create sub-project (Full-Stack Application) : main

  3. create sub-project (Add-On) : core

  • create entity: Party
  1. create sub-project (Add-On) : org
  • create entiry: Emp
  1. org depends on core

  2. main depends on core, org

  3. core addon set main datastore: jdbc:hsqldb:file:.jmix/hsqldb/core

  • generate liquidbase changelog contains
    <createTable tableName="CORE_PARTY">
  1. org addon set main datastore: jdbc:hsqldb:file:.jmix/hsqldb/org
  • generate liquidbase changelog contains
 <createTable tableName="CORE_PARTY">  <-- ??
 <createTable tableName="ORG_EMP">
  1. main addon set main datastore: jdbc:hsqldb:file:.jmix/hsqldb/main
  • generate liquidbase changelog contains
 <createTable tableName="CORE_PARTY">  <-- ??
 <createTable tableName="ORG_EMP">  <-- ??




for 1.4 flow-UI project,
The change logs will only differ between different addons that have dependencies.

Thank you.

Hi, Jimmy

Jmix Studio for now has two approaches for generating Liquibase scripts in composite project.

The first one - generation in composite project.
Liquibase scripts generated for the the subproject (module) itself and all dependent modules of this composite project. So you have datastore defined only in your main application and all Liquibase scripts are generated for this datastore. Add-ons doesn’t provide any script in this case and you don’t need to have database for each add-on.

The second one - generation for each sub-project separately. You need to open each add-on as a separate project in IDE, create datastore and generate Liquibase changelogs for this datastore. Then this scripts provided for add-ons and application(s) that depends on this add-on. To keep scripts up to date you need to have database set up for each add-on and generate scripts for add-on data model updates.

Thanks for your feedback.
We will think about ability to generate scripts only for specific add-on (without dependencies) with no need to open it as a diffrent IDE project.

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Thank you for your reply.

In the Jmix 1.4 and 1.5 projects with flow UI, the original method was working fine.
However, after upgrading to Jmix 2.0, it no longer functions in the same way.

I will reconsider your suggestions, and I kindly ask the Jmix team to explore the possibility of correcting it to restore its original behavior.

Thank you.