Hi, I am using Reports add-on and my template is in jrxml format, using JasperSoft 6.2.0
I created a ‘reportSummary’ band, with this jpql script:
SELECT e.einvoiceType AS einvoice_type,
e.trxNo AS trx_no,
e.trxDate AS trx_date,
e.einvoiceDate AS einvoice_date,
WHEN c.name <> b.name THEN b.name
ELSE s.name
END AS supplierBuyer,
e.erpCurrencyCode AS erp_currency_code,
e.currencyExchangeRate AS currency_exchange_rate,
(e.totalIncludeTax + e.roundingAmt) AS totalFXTrxAmt,
(e.totalIncludeTax + e.roundingAmt) * e.currencyExchangeRate AS totalDOMTrxAmt,
e.internalStatus AS internal_status,
e.myinvStatus AS myinv_status,
e.uuid AS invoiceUuid,
e.validatedDatetime AS validated_datetime,
e.rejectDatetime AS reject_datetime,
e.cancelDatetime AS cancel_datetime,
e.direction AS direction
FROM TrxHead e
JOIN Company c ON c.co = ${co}
JOIN TrxSupplier s ON s.id = e.id
JOIN TrxBuyer b ON b.id = e.id
(${direction} IS NULL OR e.direction = ${direction})
AND (${einvoiceType} IS NULL OR e.einvoiceType = ${einvoiceType})
AND (${internalStatus} IS NULL OR e.internalStatus = ${internalStatus})
AND (${myinvStatus} IS NULL OR e.myinvStatus = ${myinvStatus})
AND (${erpTrxDateFrom} IS NULL OR e.trxDate >= ${erpTrxDateFrom})
AND (${erpTrxDateTo} IS NULL OR e.trxDate <= ${erpTrxDateTo})
AND (${eInvoiceDateFrom} IS NULL OR e.einvoiceDate >= ${eInvoiceDateFrom})
AND (${eInvoiceDateTo} IS NULL OR e.einvoiceDate <= ${eInvoiceDateTo})
AND (${rejectRequestDateFrom} IS NULL OR e.rejectDatetime >= ${rejectRequestDateFrom})
AND (${rejectRequestDateTo} IS NULL OR e.rejectDatetime <= ${rejectRequestDateTo})
AND (${cancelRequestDateFrom} IS NULL OR e.cancelDatetime >= ${cancelRequestDateFrom})
AND (${cancelRequestDateTo} IS NULL OR e.cancelDatetime <= ${cancelRequestDateTo})
Then i uploaded my jrxml file into the template,but i get a blank pdf as the report. The jrxml and the report is uploaded here. Can someone help me, why does this happen? Thank you.
Best regards,