Jmix memory leakage issue

Hi, I’m having a severe problem with an application that is bult on Jmix 1.5. The application almost every day crashes displaying the error: “OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space”. I am also including the log file from the application server.

catalina.2024-11-04.log (29.0 KB)

Is there any recommended size for the Initial Memory Pool / Maximum Memory Pool for the Apache Tomcat? Should I have to check anything else? The server is running only the Apache Tomcat and the memory size is 16 Gb.

Any idea?

Thank you

Hi, you have very strange looking numbers in logs

04-Nov-2024 17:26:02.353 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xms128m
04-Nov-2024 17:26:02.354 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx256m

256 megabaits size limit for heap(memory accessable for application) is too small for anythig. The real-life requirements highly depends on the number of users online starting from about 1Gb. You can Increase this value according to your load prognosis. And it is also recommended to remove Xms parameter as it is deprecated and can cause problems. The more details and tips you can find in this article: Well-done Java Containers: Simplifying Web App Development | by Jmix | Sep, 2024 | Medium

Also you may need to have JVM at least at version 17 and tomcat at least of version 10 if you are running actual version of Jmix

Thank you very much. I had already changed the default value for heap size to 5Gb but the app crashed once. Now, I removed also the Xms parameters and it seems to be working properly.


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